Our Marina Store
New items are in the store. Come in and browse. Some items are 30 to 50% off.
You Need For A
Day Of Fishing...and More!
below Dinky's Restaurant on the harbor
marina store offers a wide variety of items. We sell everything
you need for a day of fishing- gas, tackle, bait, oil, paper towels,
sunscreen, soft drinks, beer and snacks. You can purchase a
Coastal Recreational Fishing License or you can obtain it online at
www.ncfisheries.net/recreational/NCCRFL.htm or by clicking on the
Marina Store photo above.

We openly welcome you to come in
during your stay and browse our wonderful gift shop. We offer an
array of unique nautical jewelry; dishware, candles, stationery, beach
bags and sunglasses are among the many items we carry. Many
anglers find that our statues, wall art and lamps are an inventive way
to commemorate their prized catch just as well as taxidermy, without
the hassle or expense; our art features many of the fish caught
offshore can be purchased or special ordered. Clothing items
include t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats and visors for men and women.
What trip would be complete without one of our notable designs to take
home and show off what you caught on your fishing adventure?
Our children’s corner has books, stuffed animals, beach toys and
oceanic videos. We also have kid’s t-shirts and
So whether you are an accomplished angler, a discriminating shopper
with exquisite taste, or you just love to come to our serene beaches,
we can guarantee that we have a little bit of something to tantalize
you here at Village Marina and Motel.
Store hours are 5am to 7pm from Memorial Week to Labor Day. Hours
will vary during the remaining months.
Contact us at 252-986-2522 or e-mail us at villagemarina@embarqmail.com.